Please feel free to participate in our church however you wish. Most people start by attending the Sunday morning worship. Others start with some small group meeting or church event. It really doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that by participating you find yourself drawing closer to God.
As you draw closer to God, you may sense that God is leading you to Himself like never before. That is when you want to become a Christian and get baptized. Once your devotion to Jesus is settled, God will lead you to be part and parcel of a local church – a local body of Christ. God has an important role for you to play in His work on earth. When you find a local church to be a part of, you need to dedicate yourself to those people by becoming a member of that church. In your local church, you will grow closer to God, and God will use you in concert with the other Christians to do His work in the world. At Berkeley, we will help you in your personal growth and in finding your place in God’s work. That’s when you will find our all-powerful God using you in the most fulfilling way imaginable!