Our Focus

Our focus is disciple-making plain and simple!  At Berkeley, we deeply love God and sincerely care for all people He has created.  We do our best to help people live in relationship with God because we know that is the most honoring thing we can do for God and the most loving thing we can do for people. The following logo and guide remind us how to grow stronger as disciples.

Our Beliefs

Because God used humans in history to bring us His very own words, we are careful to shape all our beliefs and practices around God’s Word – the Bible.  Our church agrees with the statement of beliefs presented in the Baptist Faith & Message.

Our Disciple-Making Team

Church Staff and Administration

Henry Simmons
Henry SimmonsPastor
Our pastor, Henry Simmons, has a big heart for missions and has led the our church to participate in numerous mission endeavors. He is seriously committed to disciple-making and to faithfully proclaiming the transforming truths of the Bible. He has been at Berkeley Baptist since May, 1990. He is also a graduate of Clemson University and served in the US Air Force. His formal preparations for ministry were conducted at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned a Masters of Divinity degree with a minor in Christian Education.
Tonia Woolverton
Tonia WoolvertonMinistry Assistant
Tonia has served our church in many roles for 30 years. She is a wonderfully gifted teacher and administrator with a deep love for the Lord. If you need anything or have any questions, she is more than willing to help. Tonia has three children and four grandchildren who are precious to her, and she is an avid reader.
Mary Meade
Mary MeadeChurch Clerk
With a strong gift of administration and a big heart for God, Mary quietly serves in various mission and ministry capacities always making the witness of our people brighter and better.
Joyce Atkins
Joyce AtkinsTreasurer Team
Some people have a way of connecting with others. Joyce is that person. She is on the front lines attracting others to Christ and to our church.
Stephanie Hardin
Stephanie HardinTreasurer Team
A quiet servant with a great big heart for God, Stephanie often finds herself in mission and ministry roles both inside and outside of the church.

Gail Morgan
Gail MorganTreasurer Team
Gail shows great care for her family, friends, and church family. But most of all, she seeks to serve and please her master and friend Jesus Christ.


Stanley Bruce, Chairman
Stanley Bruce, Chairman
We lovingly refer to Stanley as the energizer bunny because he is always going and going. Almost all his “going” is for the Lord and for Berkeley Baptist. When you get a chance, be sure to show him some love for all that he does to build the kingdom of God.
Steve Morgan
Steve Morgan
When Steve gave his life to the Lord, he meant it. He has a deep love for God and enjoys studying the Word of God. He raised his family up in the Lord at Berkeley, and each of them have had important roles in the ministry of our church. He continues to encourage us with His continuous enthusiasm and faith.

Jody True
Jody True
We are grateful to have men like Jody who have a quiet and soft exterior coupled with a strong maturity in the “inner man”. Jody is a consummate servant with a true heart of compassion for God’s people.


Stephanie Hardin
Stephanie Hardin
With clear gifts of wisdom and communication, Stephanie is always engaged in helping others find Christ. Her fire for Christ burns deep, and God uses her passion to draw others toward Himself.
Steve Morgan
Steve Morgan
The best feature of Steve’s teaching is his passion for the Lord. He is genuinely moved by the great truths of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit then uses his enthusiasm to inspire others in God’s direction.

Beth Simmons
Beth Simmons
She is a quiet, pleasing servant of God and the people of His church. In her own quiet way, she is also an excellent student and teacher of God’s truths.

Jody True
Jody True
No other man in our church has taken and completed more spiritual growth courses than Jody True. The combination of his humility and dedication to the cause of Christ make him an excellent example for all who are learning how to walk with our Lord.
Jeanie True
Jeanie True
Jeanie’s passion for Christ is contagious. She is a seasoned Christian who is a clear communicator of gospel truths, and she has served as a teacher in our church for many years.
Tonia Woolverton
Tonia Woolverton
Teaching is a gift made evident by clear communication, and God uses Tonia as a marvelous teacher. She has that special ability to make clear the complexities of the faith.

Ministry Group Leaders

Bonnie Perry
Bonnie Perry Ladies Prayer Group
Every church needs people who keep up with and look after the needs of people. Bonnie is that person for us, and her persistence to keep us in prayer inspires us all.

MAN Club
Once a month, men from our church gather for a good manly-type meal and for some good Christian fellowship. Any male may attend!
Stanley Bruce
Stanley BruceMen's Bible Studies
Anxious to provide the opportunity for mid-week spiritual refreshment, Stanley leads a very uplifting time around God’s Word on Wednesday nights.

Tonia Woolverton
Tonia WoolvertonLadies Bible Studies
There is wonderful bonding among ladies under Tonia’s leadership. People come each week to study God’s Word and pray over shared concerns.